Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day

WEll tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I am cooking this year. My father and stepmom are coming over here to eat. I am kind of... well very sad that I can not see my other family, my mom and siblings this year. I miss them all so much and not having them around the holidays is very hard. Steve will be deep frying a turkey and I Am cooking all the fixins including 4 different pies this year.

Nick will be 10 months on Friday. He is getting huge. 6 teeth, trying to walk and talk about everything. He has grown so much. It is hard to believe he will be a year old in 2 months. It flie by so fast.

Hailey had a wonderful Thanksgiving pagent today. They sang some very cute songs for the holiday then had a feast in their classroom. It was a lot of fun. She loves school so much. She is was excited for Turkey day... she can not wait for turkey and potatoes and chocolate cream pie.

Steve and I are good, I just took on a full time job as head dispatcher/ Admin in my office. I am way excited. I have worked so hard for that opportunity. Steve is going to find a different job working evenings... that way we both have time with the kids

OK well all for now. Love to all and talk to you all after Thanksgiving

Have a great Holiday

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

9 months

Nick hit 9 months yesterday. He is way over 20 lbs and getting very tall. He already crawls as you all know and now we are trying to walk... he holds onto something then lets go for a few seconds to a min. It is amazing. He eats just about everything... I feed him whatever we eat... that and he will not eat baby food for some reason, must taste grose. he says mama and dada and num-num. Well that is what it sounds like atleast.

Hailey got to have a pamper day over the weekend. Her Great Grandma took her to a salon and had her hair done up all cust and her nails done and everything. She loved it. I will get pics up as soon as I get them from my Grandmother.

Well that is about it. Bye all

Saturday, October 20, 2007

5 yrs

Well today marks 5 years of being Mrs. Rebecca Webster. I love it. I never thought I would ever be in a relationship with such a wonderful man. He treats me like a queen. I love him so much. I just had to share this

Thursday, October 18, 2007

First time

Well this is for all my family that can not be around all the time. We love you all and miss you all so much, so we decided to start a little blog that everyone can look at... see how things are going. Where shall we begin...

Fall break is this week so she is off until next Tuesday. She has spent a lot of it just hanging out and reading and becoming better at the computer than her father an I. She goes to her Great Grandma's house this weekend. She is very excited.

Almost 9 months old now and all over the place. He is venturing into standing with out holding on to anything, that usually lasts for a few seconds. He is 20 lbs now (big guy) and is just a loveable little guys.

Working hard but doing good. Always trying to find a hobby to do... man can not sit still (now I know where his son gets it)

Also working hard. Still working from home and taking care of the kids.

So that is about it. I will keep up with this. A lot easier for me to do it all at once.

Love to all